The Reality of Bible Reading

Beginning in the fall of 2019, I decided to pursue the idea of reading through the entire Bible in a year. The reality is that it is now January of 2020 and I have only begun week 12 of my Bible reading plan. Still, this challenge has proved to be incredibly beneficial for my spiritual walk and my relationships with others. 

Here are some bits and pieces of reality:
  • It doesn't happen everyday. 
  • It is hard. 
  • I don't always understand what I am reading.
  • Life happens. 
  • I don't always get to drink my coffee in my reading nook and have complete silence when I do get the chance to read.
  • Sometimes, I just don't want to read anymore.

I know as a wife, teacher, and full time student, finding the time to sit down and read something that does not have a pending deadline just does not naturally have priority on my list of things to accomplish in a day. 

Now, I will breakdown the reality of my previous sentence for you: I believe in my mind that as a _(excuse)_, _(excuse)_, and _(excuse)_  finding the time to sit down and read the Bible is not a priority compared to everything else I have to achieve in a day.

How sad does that sound? Yikes! 

I want to take the time to encourage others who are seeking to achieve their goal of reading through the Bible. The Daily Grace Co. is a very helpful site with podcasts on Setting Bible Study Goals l Ep. 46 The Daily Grace as well as Bible studies and many other resources. On days when you are exhausted or just have no time to sit down, try listening to a podcast on your way to work!

 It is so important for us as Christians to make this a priority on our list. Despite the odds, this goal is very achievable! Teaming up with a friend or a group is always a great way to keep motivation and see the benefits. Another great way to keep yourself accountable is by sending a picture of your favorite verse form your daily readings to your husband or friend. 

Choose to incorporate something within your Bible study that you enjoy, whether it be coffee, using your favorite highlighters, or taking notes in a cute journal. This can be something you look forward to doing everyday and not a chore. 

Pinterest offers many different printable Bible reading plans that are often free resources. Here is a site that contains many different options

This year, as you make Bible reading a priority, be encouraged. This is beneficial and worth sacrificing time!


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