
I have always been one of those people who have to constantly remind myself to not worry. Like many of you, my life revolves around checklists, schedules, and a never-ending battle of keeping up with things. We know all too well the need to accomplish at least one thing we had on our minds for the day. I am sure most of us could agree with the idea that our daily goals can either make our day if we have succeeded in not only completing most of our house chores, but also in remembering to pick up the medications at the pharmacy, or they can break our day if we had not succeeding with as much as we had originally planned. When this happens, it usually absolutely ruins our attitude - FOR THE REST OF THE DAY.

During the process of attempting to accomplish a daily goal, I read in Luke 10:38-42 about a story that I feel most women, especially those who fall into the category of daily goal seekers mentioned above, really need to hear and apply.

Jesus and his disciples were traveling when sisters Mary and Martha opened up their homes to them. Although this was a common cultural courtesy at that time, that was still a fairly large commitment. However, instead of helping serve their guests, Mary sat at Jesus' feet listening. Luke then writes that Martha became distracted with all of the preparations that were to be made for their company and instead, she was not listening. She was missing out.

Let's just take a look at that for a minute. How many times have I missed out on what God had to show me just because I felt I needed to check things off of my daily list? So many times! Is God really concerned with my checklist of chores and things to complete? I would say yes. But, I would also venture to state that my checklist is not His idea of a daily goal for believers. He has a greater purpose for us than going through every day trying to get miscellaneous things done.

During preparation for the company they had taken in, Martha confronts Jesus with an all too familiar complaint, "' Lord, why don't You care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!'" At first, I felt like this statement was a reasonable outcry. Martha was probably slaving in the kitchen while her sister was doing nothing! Then Jesus responds by pin-pointing the root of the reason Martha was upset and distracted with her chores, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.

We are anxious and troubled about many things. But Jesus is necessary. Serving Him and sharing His message is what is necessary in life. As much as I would like to believe I would feel completely whole and content by checking all of my boxes and getting through a weekly schedule accurately, I know I would really feel empty if that is all I lived for.


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