Thesselonians 5:11 reads, “Therefore, encourage one another and build eachother up.” This is something Zaida and I try to do daily. In fact, she has been encouraging me to write a blog for a while now. I’ve put off writing one for a while now because I just don’t feel like blogging is my cup of tea. I speak fine in both group and personal settings but I’ve never get like I was as good at writing as I am at speaking. I don’t see what my better half sees in me though. 

Zaida sees potential and opportunities for growth and learning. She knows what to say to me and when I need to hear it. This comes not only with knowing your partner but also growing up with them and closer to them. I’m naturally a happy easy going person. I need encouragement when I let myself and or others down. I’ve found that Zaida needs encouragement most when there is a life obstacle ahead of her that she’s not sure she can conquer. We’ve had to learn to be there for each other and there has been plenty of trial and error. Here’s a few tips I’ve found useful!

  • Listen. Just simply listen. Don’t speak until they’ve completely opened up about whatever burden or load they’ve been carrying around. Whether it be something small or something huge, just listen first. Like I’ve said, I think I’m fantastic at speaking. I’ve really had to learn to  reel in my thoughts, organize them, and word them correctly before I let them flow out of my mouth like an exploding volcano.
  • Don’t try to fix problems😬 I struggle with this one big time. I’ve always enjoyed working with my hands. I go to school to be a diesel mechanic. I fix things or make things whenever I find the free time to do so. My whole career is going to be listening to problems, providing possible solutions to the problem, and then ultimately getting my hands dirty and fixing the problem myself. Guys hear me out, women don’t want us to fix it. Women want us to understand what they’re going through. They know full well they are capable of fixing the problem before them. It encourages them to know that we understand what they’re going through and are there for them when they need it. 
  • Make sure your partner knows your proud of them no matter what! Find a different way to tell them every day that they are the bomb.com and there is nothing they can do to change that. There doesn’t have to be a problem for you to encourage your partner. There just has to be an opportunity.

That’s probably more than enough text for a blog but I just have one more piece of advice to give.
Charles Stanley said, “Our Heavenly Father understands our disappointment, suffering, fear, and doubt. He always there to encourage our hearts and help us understand that He’s sufficient for all our needs.” Guys and Gals, be an example of this type of love and understanding and encouragement to your significant other. I know this is geared towards couples but if you’re single and looking for someone to listen to you, understand you and encourage you, God’s always available for conversation. 



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